Sunday, January 29, 2012

News from St Michael's - January 2012

Harlow Foodbank – It urgently TINNED MEATS so please help if you can by leaving them in the blue crate in the Publicity Area, or contact Harlow Food Bank at
The Man Born To Be King – This ground-breaking series of twelve short radio plays by Dorothy L Sayers telling the life of Jesus was first performed in 1942 on the BBC.  Now, in 2012, St Michael's is planning to perform five of them during Holy Week (1st-8th April) as an act of worship.  But to do so we need people to take part by reading one or more of the roles (no learning of lines is involved). There are a lot of parts, big and small. This has the potential to be something really special, so if (a) you can read and (b) you are interested in participating or want to know more, please sign the sheet at the back of the church.

Ecumenical Lent Home Groups – This Lent, the ministers of CTBS would like to invite you to join with other churches to reflect and pray together using the York Course ‘Handing on the Torch’.  If this is something you would like to be involved in, either to host (open your home to others), lead (guide the conversation with the help of a book) or join (come along to listen and share), please contact Anthony ( by 14thFebruary). Please give days/times that you’re available, and whether you’d like to host and/or lead and Anthony will arrange the groups.